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Free Precision Pistol Clinic - Rifle Range Closed

  • 06/02/2024
  • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • SRPA Pistol Range

SRPA will host a Precision Pistol clinic on  2 June 2024 from 0900 – 1300. There is no charge for SRPA members if you are wearing your badge.  Non-members are welcome as usual, but at the regular $10 entry fee.  Donations will be appreciated to help recover the cost of targets, pasters etc.  This event replaces our normal monthly match for this day.  The goal is to help you try out the sport to see if you enjoy the challenge.  We hope it encourages you to participate in the monthly matches.

Precision Pistol is all about accuracy.  It isn’t a run ‘n gun or speed match.  You will find the skills you gain are applicable to other types of handgun and rifle shooting.  We know it can be daunting to shoot a pistol at long distances.  Some of you may be concerned about needed equipment to get started.  You might be skeptical of shooting one-handed.  That is completely understandable and why we are conducting this clinic.  Just know that we were all new to the sport at one time and faced these issues.  Our matches, and the clinic, are informal.  We like to shoot and challenge ourselves, but we’re not serious competitors in any sense of the word. 

You can shoot any 22 pistol or revolver you already have.  Either iron or red dot sights are fine.  It is completely acceptable to shoot two-handed as you gain experience.  There will be NRA instructors and other experienced shooters available at the clinic to help you learn the ropes.  NRA RSOs will manage the line.  Unlike a regular match, the clinic will be 22LR only and shot at 25 yards.  

The course of fire will be:

  • Slow fire segment: Coaching and trial shots, then 10 rounds on turning targets in 10 minutes
  • Timed fire segment: Coaching and trial shots, then two 5 round strings on turning targets in 20 seconds per string
  • Rapid fire segment: Coaching and trial shots, then two 5 round strings on turning targets in 10 seconds per string

We will repeat this sequence up to three times.

Bring your 22 pistol or revolver and ammo.  You will need a minimum of 90 rounds; more for any sight-in shots or re-fires.  We will have a few target pistols for you to try if you wish.  You may want to bring a spotting scope or binoculars.  Ear protection is required.  Eye protection is highly recommended.

For more information, contact Bob Hazen at bob@seattlerifle.org

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